Wednesday, December 15, 2010


When I am an old man, I shall wear Hawaiian T-shirts
with a cap advertising a Chinese heavy machinery firm.
And I'll spend my savings on whiskey and dirty magazines
and knives made in Pakistan that I see advertised on TV.

I'll yell at customer service representatives over the telephone when I'm feeling confused and make up stories about things I've done to lend a sense of romance to the times in which I've lived and smoke foul-smelling cigars and eye ladies young enough to be my daughter.

I'll play chess in the park where the homeless are camped and say all the things I feared to when I had a career and there were beautiful women I thought I had a shot at, and my children will lower their heads in embarrassment and my grandchildren will view me with a kind of disbelieving awe-- especially when they are old enough to understand my jokes.

But for now it's best to play it safe and pretend an attitude the PTA would admire and not swear in the streets and kow-tow to the ones who came before.
We must stay sober in good company and volunteer our time at charities.
But could a little practice hurt that much?
So that the folks who know me as I am now won't worry so
when I am an old man and don my Hawaiian shirt.


  1. I love this. Kind of Charles-Bukowski-meets-Raymond-Carver. And you said you were uncomfortable with poetry!

    My only constructive comment is that I think something is weird with this line: "say all the things I feared to when I had a career and beautiful women I thought I had a shot at". Maybe "and there were beautiful women..." or "a career and a shot at beautiful women"? It makes sense the way it is now but takes a little decoding.

  2. I think one of your strengths is your knack for vivid details. This is no exception. The cap with a logo of a "Chinese heavy machinery firm" as well as "Knives made in Pakistan" that are "advertised on TV". That's where the comedic punch is.

    I agree with the curator about that one line, though. It's unnecessarily convoluted and undermines your otherwise lyrical flow.

    Is this for a particular prompt? If so, would you be so kind as to label it as such?

    I hope the holidays can be a productive writing time for you. I look forward to reading more.
